It’s official

After a fair amount of procrastination I’ve bowed to the obvious and inevitable. After totting up all my pensions left lying about in various funds in the City of London I should be financially sort of OK. We’ll at least be able to cover the essentials anyway.

So the paperwork is slowly getting completed and I’ll be officially a pensioner from October.

I don’t know how I feel about it… One part is real happy I’ll not have to face commuting to London again or having to do all the associated “stuff” with a job.

However a friend shared at a meeting the other day, he’s also recently retired, that he now feels a bit of a nobody. I get that for years I’ve been a blah blah or a such and such. These labels have some currency to them. They pin me in society as successful and valuable. I recently called to book a physiotherapy appointment (I’ve a pinched nerve in my back) the receptionist ask for employment. I stuttered over saying “unemployed”. It’s a private practice did I think she thought I’d not be able to pay the £50 for a session? Did suddenly she picture me as a washed up waste of space. I almost went to say “I used to….”. Why?

Something to mull on and work on. Stupid really I’m exactly the same person, OK considerably less disposable income but still me.

About furtheron

Music and guitar obsessive who is a recovering alcoholic to boot
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9 Responses to It’s official

  1. Hi Graham!
    I had a sense of loss when I retired. It was strange for awhile. Nothing to talk about.
    When I started volunteering, I felt much better.
    Keith, my husband, loves being retired.
    You have your guitar making!
    I didn’t have any other interests except teaching, as I gave my career every part of me.

    How is your vertigo?

  2. Ainsobriety says:

    It’s amazing how strong these labels are. I took a year off work to be a stay at home mom one year and I never got used to that. I missed my chemical engineer label. And I did return to work.

    But they are only words. I hope you can enjoy the fruits of your labour.


  3. Oh my, does that hit home. I chose a profession (taxes) that allows for very limited work for the other part of the year (not taxes). I am amazed at the put downs I get. I think it’s awesome but people think I’m lazy!! If I have all this “free time” I should do more work. I know you didn’t get to choose your “free time” but it does get tiring explaining yourself! You could always bake cookies every week & then put down “BAKER” as you employment. Lol

  4. I obsess about retirement. I work for The Man so it’s particularly attractive to me. I figure I will probably continue to work part time after I am done with this career and I want it to be something fun like real estate or Home Depot or maybe tarot card reading. If anyone asks what you’re doing in the meantime you are “between gigs”.

  5. gtr1ab says:

    Just catching up on this. In my 20’s I was a retirement specialist and helping other people retire got me so ready, I can’t wait. Being “retired” is the dream and goal of so many people. I realize it has been months since you posted this, but I wanted to add my free advice: Tell people you are retired and let them define what that means. You don’t owe them an explanation or an apology. You get to live your life, not them. Enjoy! Embrace the label of “retired”!

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